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06 Jul

Penn. municipal golf course superintendent: No more puddles with Penterra


Five Ponds Golf Course, Warminster, Penn. public course














Five Ponds Golf Club of Warminster Township, Pennsylvania.




Public golf course built in 1988, features bentgrass greens and several water features. Architecture by Xenophon Hassenplug.


Eliezer “Papo” Rodriguez


Low-laying land leads to holding a lot of water and flooding; tight taxpayer-based budget.


Penterra  is a soil penetrant and soil surfactant for addressing hydrophobic profiles and horizons. Penterra keeps soils from locking up, aggregates clay soils, improves soil structure and allows water and oxygen to better reach plant roots by reducing the surface tension between the water and the soil. Penterra assists fertilizers and plants by increasing plant nutrient uptake and keeping the soil aerobic by increasing the amount of oxygen exchanged with the soil profile.

Penterra increases the activity of aerobic micro-organisms necessary for a healthy soil profile environment secondary to water movement. Beneficial secondary effects to LDS (Localized Dry Spot) are noticed to the applied areas quickly.

Soil Surfactant


Superintendent’s Results:

Five Ponds Golf Club

Penterra dries the course very quickly. I fell in love with it! The first time I tried it, there was a big storm coming the next day, so I sprayed the Penterra the day before. It poured all night long!

I came back at 4 o’clock in the morning. I was surprised…. the fairways usually hold water and there was no water on the fairways.

It’s very fast! Plus, Penterra gives it a beautiful green color. My main concern is holding too much water though. We get a lot of rain. This left us with no puddles on there or nothing.”


Other comments:

“I’ve been in the golf business since I was 15. I’ve tried a lot of products, a lot of surfactants. Nothing worked this well and this fast. Nothing! Plus, it’s a low rate and affordable.”


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Geoponics Corp
3425 Radio Road
Naples, FL 34104

email: info@geoponicscorp.com


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25 Jun

Watering the lawn. How long, how often and how deep

Lawn Watering Tips

One of the most important aspects of turf maintenance, if not the most important is proper water and/or irrigation techniques. Here we will give you some good ideas for managing soil moisture for your lawn.  

In the golf industry most superintendents will periodically take a soil probe and carefully pull a sample of the soil profile in order to observe different aspects of the soil.  One of those many variables is roots.  

Watering the Lawn for Healthy Roots

Healthy roots are the key to healthy turf.  Grass roots grow in soils that are moist and well aerated or aerobic. This means they have plenty of oxygen.

 For the most part, root growth does not move from dry soil to wet soil looking for water.  If you water your lawn deeply then the roots grow deeper. HydraHawk will help the water penetrate deeper into the soil for deeper root growth.

Keep in mind, most turf grass roots are concentrated in the first 6 to 8 inches of soil. However, some grass species, such as paspalum may grow much deeper.  As these roots grow deeper, the areas by which they can pull water from increase. This is because of the greater surface area to volume of soil reached.  

Water Warning: Too Much Water

However, if you water too much and soil becomes saturated with water and void of oxygen, the roots will not grow deep. Rather, they will stay close to the soil surface.  However, if you irrigate with just enough water to wet the first few inches of soil, then that is where the roots will stay.  Unfortunately, shallow roots usually end up with localized dry spots (LDS) and send turf into stress.

A Little Help From the HydraHawk Wetting Agent for Watering the Lawn

Using a soil wetting agent like HydraHawk can help keep water moving through the soil and allowing for some (but not too much) retention of water.  This combination will assist with keeping the soil and root zone aerobic (with oxygen) and assist with deeper penetrating roots.


 Watering Tips for Your Lawn

  • Water to the right depth.  Water should penetrate to the about 6 to 8 inches in the soil’s profile. Watering to a shallow depth may result a shallow rooted lawn that can dry out quickly, however watering too much is wasteful as the roots will only grow to a certain length in general. You can check the to penetration of the water with a stiff metal rod or something similar to a long screwdriver.  The rod will usually move easily through the moist soil and then it will stop or become difficult as your probe reaches dry soil.  If you so choose, you can buy a professional soil probe.  Soil probes remove small cores of soil so that you can feel and observe how moist they are. They are also beneficial for looking at root color and health among other variables.
  • Let you lawn dry some between irrigations.  Letting your lawn dry out some between irrigations creates a sustainable water-air relationship that is critical for healthy roots. The lawn, like other plants, will let you know when it is thirsty.
  • Avoid water runoff.  Because of various factors in the soil, such as compaction and soil make up, you can water faster than your lawn can absorb it.  Products like HydraHawk can really be a benefit here. On top of using some type of surface active agent, try and water in intervals of about 10 – 15 mins, turn off the water and let it soak into the soil.  Afterward turn on the water again for another 10-15 mins so that you are achieving the goal of getting the water down to about 6 to 8 inches deep.
  • Consider morning irrigation.   The early morning is the ideal time to water your turf because the weather is usually cooler, there is less wind and the humidity is higher hence the water is less likely to evaporate.  However, early morning does not mean midnight.  Wet grass at night can be a recipe for a disease disaster.
  • Monitor irrigation water amounts in summer.   Try to irrigate only one or two inches of water per week during the growing season.  You could irrigate the whole amount of water at one time, however most folks have better results splitting the amount into two separate applications.  Please note however in sandy soils where the water percolates more rapidly it may benefit you to split the applications into three separate irrigation cycles.  You do not want to irrigate more than three times a week because you would be applying so little water the outcome would be shallow roots.
  • Observe your lawn. This is pretty simple really.  Watch your lawn.  It will tell you when it is wanting water.  If the grass does not dry out between watering, stretch the intervals between waterings.  If it seems like the water is not getting deep enough into the soil profile just apply a little more water each watering, but do water less often.  Now if the lawn looks healthy and everything seems fine, try cutting back and conserving water.  You can always make adjustments as you go.

Want even more tips on Efficient Watering for Landscaping? Check out this article on Home Landscape Watering by RE/MAX.

Soil Surfactant
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18 Jun

Ireland golf course superintendent: Penterra “outstanding” soil surfactant after heavy rains

Golf Course Superintendent shares results using Penterra after southeast Ireland drenched by rain for days

Penterra provides stellar water management results at Bunclody Golf and Fishing Club after heavy rains for two days threaten to flood the Irish course.

Well we knew it was coming. We got the rain that the weathermen promised on a recent Thursday evening and Friday morning.

We had a little less than two inches of rain in a little more than 12 hours on Thursday night. That was followed by a heavy downpour on Friday morning for about an hour, leading to another half an inch of water coming down. Topping all that off, we got another constant rain for about 4 hours after that!

I would have expected the greens at Bunclody to have been under water first thing on Friday morning! But, there was no sign of standing water anywhere.

We sprayed the Penterra on Thursday morning and again on Friday morning.

The results are outstanding!

Only when the heavy downpour lasted hours did we get some standing water, which was inevitable with the rain coming down so hard. Once that down pour had stopped, the water moved very quickly off the surface of the greens and through the soil profile. Penterra is an unbelievable penetrant!

Visit Penterra.net

Saturday the greens were remarkably dry after another night of heavy down pours.
The effectiveness of Penterra enabled us to mow the greens at tournament height. Something we wouldn’t normally dream possible after that much rain using any other soil surfactants.

This product is unbelievable!

Congratulations on producing such a low-cost, but ultra effective tool for superintendents having water management difficulties in varied climates.

Kind regards,

Duncan O’Shaughnessy
Golf Course Superintendent
Bunclody Golf and Fishing Club
Carrigduff, Bunclody Co. Wexford

U.S./ Worldwide:
Geoponics Corp
3425 Radio Road No. 202
Naples, FL 34104

Europe/ UK:
ProGrass t/a Border Sports Ireland, Ltd.
Rahilla, Kildare, Co. Kildare

Also, follow us on Twitter @ Geoponics

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05 Jun

Golf Course Superintendent: Carbotein increases root mass, repairs Bermuda grass

“I started using Carbotein this past winter because I was looking for a product to increase root mass. The greens look as good now as they ever have, and the roots are deep and a healthy white, so it has done just what I wanted it to.

We recently completed our spring aerification, and that was when we really could see an impact. Within three days of punching 5/8″ holes in them, the greens looked like they’d been done for a week, and after ten days you couldn’t hardy tell we’d pulled cores at all.

My assistant says this is the quickest he’s ever seen either bermuda or bent heal back, and he’s been in the business for close to a dozen years.

I can say for a fact this is the fastest we’ve seen recovery here, and my fertility program was the same as it’s always been except for the Carbotein. I believe it’s all the extra energy the plant had available to it that’s made the difference. It has helped even out my growth as well, and is affordable to use, so I’ve made it a regular part of my program.”

Nicklaus Lentz
Golf Course Superintendent
Raleigh Golf Association

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Geoponics Corp

3425 Radio Road No. 202

Naples, FL 34104

Email: info@Geoponicscorp.com



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16 Apr

Geoponics available throughout Europe with new Ireland-based distributor, Prograss

Stellar results using Geoponics products at Dunmurry Golf Club in Ireland about one year ago lead to Geoponics products being available now to sports facilities, homeowners in Europe through new distributor ProGrass

Naples, Fla.-based Geoponics Corporation partners with new distributor, ProGrass, to offer earth-friendly turf products to Ireland and the rest of the European Union.

Ireland golf course superintendent Gerard McEvoy was facing bouts of flooding rain followed by droughts when he came across a solution with Geoponics products.

The founder of ProGrass, a supplier of soil and grass products in Europe, McEvoy sought to bring the results he enjoyed to other professional golf course and lawn managers, as well as to home owners.

“Because of the downturn in the Irish economy, we had to look for more cost effective products that didn’t reduce the quality of our playing surfaces,” said McEvoy, who was challenged by water management issues as a superintendent at Dunmurry Springs Golf Club.

“We wanted products that would help us move water through our soil profile after a rainfall event, so we used the Penterra and in dry periods we switched to HyrdraHawk,” he said.


The root of the expansion were the results McEvoy saw a little more than a year ago when faced with these moisture challenges.

“We have USGA spec bent grass greens, and, on some of our greens, I found it difficult to dry out the surface and move water through the root zone,” he said.

Ireland may have one night of heavy rain but then only get two to three inches over the course of the week, he said.

“We get a lot of moisture laden air being swept in over Ireland. I was looking for a product to help pull the moisture from the surface quicker and that’s what I came across with Penterra.”

No longer needing to spend the time and money brushing the dew from the greens everyday was just one area of savings, he said.

McEvoy quickly got the firm greens that golfers want—whether they’re at Dunmurry or one of Ireland’s approximately 400 other golf courses.

“Many of the courses here in Ireland are old courses with push up greens that have been top-dressed over time with sand. Some of these greens would hold onto the moisture in the winter and there would be black layer problems and anaerobic conditions. Geoponics products will give these superintendents another tool in their tool box to help tackle these problems,” McEvoy said.

Geoponics products also offer solutions to the challenges posed to the southeast of the U.K., which is facing drought conditions and water restrictions. Geoponics products, available to Ireland and the rest of Europe through the new Ireland-based distributor’s website, www.prograss.ie, can help the varying water management issues throughout the countries it serves. The company is directed toward homeowners and sport facilities.

Geoponics is an environmentally-friendly company supplying products to lawn and turf, garden and golf course managers using earth sciences to foster water, soil and plant health. The products are effective and offer cost savings.

Geoponics is very enthusiastic about the expansion to Ireland and the countries in the European Union through McEvoy’s decision for ProGrass to become a Geoponics distributor.

Soil Surfactant
Gerard McEvoy
ProGrass t/a Border Sports Ireland, Ltd.
Rahilla, Kildare, Co. Kildare


Geoponics Corporation
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08 Mar

Geoponics welcomes Technical Sales Manager in FL, AL, MS, LA

Geoponics Corporation is proud to have Louisiana-born and raised Eric Fry as a new technical sales representative working in Louisiana, Mississippi Alabama and Florida. Eric Fry has a unique interest and ability to see things on both a very small, close-up scale as well from a larger, bird’s eye view.

This is a great asset to Geoponics and its current and future customers, especially when it comes to the microclimates on the course and the larger scale environment.

Fry has 23 years experience in the golf course industry, beginning from a spray tech while still in school become a golf course superintendent, then as a multi-state territory manager and consultant, among other roles throughout his career.
“The advantage of being in the industry of the Golf Boom was that we were literally enjoying the benefits of technology both in equipment, irrigation systems, chemistry, etc. This was a time when getting a course to that next level could be obtained as long as the members were willing to support the budget,” Fry said.

He found the developments and creativity in new architecture as interesting as the developments being made in the operations methods. “The courses that Fazio, Nicklaus, Palmer, and RT Jones were designing were just so unique and stimulating to all levels of skill.”

Geoponics Corporation attracted Fry quickly because of his love for the game of golf, the courses, water management, the environment—the whole package, he said. “I get a charge on going to new properties that I have never seen to listen, learn and observe about the micro-climates and features the property has to offer.”

As a South Florida territory manager for about eight years, Fry worked in some of top cities for golf, including Naples, Sarasota, Ft. Lauderdale, New Port Richey and just about every place in between. He developed agronomic strategies to plan the year for turf and landscape maintenance, learning a great deal about protection from disease and insects as well as water management in an area the fluctuates between drought and saturated rainy seasons every year.

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“Water management is probably the key factor that I learned the most about while working in Southwest Florida and why I chose Geoponics to champion. The company shows great conception, appreciation, and desire to teach people about the importance of water usage and its role in promoting healthy productive systems…Geoponics’ philosophy of using natural-based products to provide solutions for unique challenging conditions is an attractive one to support, he said.

As a former superintendent, Fry has been exposed to many of the same challenges that turf managers face. “As another set of critical eyes and an advocate of program planning, the consultative consideration I can offer is sound and unique. I was fortunate to have worked with some of the best superintendents in my area of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and was exposed to the Southwest Florida talent pool as well,” Fry said.

There’s another perk in being on the courses often. “I have always enjoyed the outdoors, camping, hunting, and bike riding… being in the woods and natural landscapes, so golf sparks that sensory need.”
Eric Fry is ready to listen to your turf and landscape challenges and offer suggestions if you’re looking for them. If you’ve yet to meet him, just keep an ear out for his hearty laugh and eye out for his genuine smile.


Follow Us on Facebook Here!

Eric Fry
Geoponics Corporation
Direct (225) 772-2552
Main (877) 667-6330
3425 Radio Rd. Bldg 202
Naples, FL 34104

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07 Mar


Matthew Thorpe of Green Earth Investments, a new Geoponics distributor in South Africa, applies Penterra at the first golf course in the region to use Geoponics, Randpark Golf Club.

Geoponics Corporation, based in Naples, Fla., is reaching across continents joining forces with its newest distributor, Green Earth Investments, in South Africa.

Leaders of both organizations say it’s a joint venture that just makes sense.

Geoponics is an environmentally-friendly company supplying green products and services to lawn and turf, garden and golf course managers using earth sciences to foster water, soil and plant health.

Green Earth Investments was founded by brothers Julian and Matthew Thorpe with the aim of providing earth-sustaining, biological and non-chemical products for plants, humans, animals and fish.

“The aim of the company is to find a more environmentally friendly way of sustaining our golf courses by introducing products that won’t harm the environment. This is why we are so exited about the Geoponics products as it fits so nicely with our vision,” said Julian Thorpe of Green Earth Investments.

Click Here to Visit


Geoponics is equally enthusiastic about the venture.

“I am so pleased and excited to have Green Earth Investments as a part of the Geoponics family expanding our reach to South Africa,” said Robin Wicker of Geoponics.

The first Geoponics product hit South Africa soil through Green Earth Investments earlier this month (January 2012) and was a great success.

Randpark Golf Club in Johannesburg, South Africa applied Penterra (www.Penterra.net), which immediately began doing what it always does– MOVING WATER through the soil while improving the growth and activity of aerobic micro-organisms necessary for a healthy soil profile environment.

The beneficial secondary effects to challenged areas such as localized dry spot were noticed rapidly and the course is beginning to save much needed water.

Not only is Randpark Golf Club improving the soil with Penterra, the course managers are adding a long term soil management to the turf and plants to make them healthier, and increase its disease and insect tolerance.

Randpark is the second longest course in South Africa and its use of Geoponics products while undergoing renovations and remaining playable is part of protecting that ongoing investment.

Green Earth Investments, similar to Geoponics, seeks to provide products that provide solutions while protecting the Earth’s resources—particularly one of the most valuable resources, water.

“We are always looking for new ways to do things more efficiently and with more care,” said Thorpe.

Some of the products that Green Earth Investments will be offering to the South African Green Industries are: Penterra, HydraHawk, FertaFlow, Carbotein, Agriox and Detox

Green Earth Investments
Direct: Julian Thorpe

Company website: greenearthinvestments.org

Geoponics Corporation
3425 Radio Road Bldg 202
Naples, FL, U.S., 34104
(877) 667-6330
More product information

Visit Penterra.net

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15 Feb

Geoponics welcomes Technical Sales Rep in South Florida

Geoponics welcomes technical sales rep in South Florida

Jeffrey S. Burgoyne, CGCS, Geoponics Corporation technical sales rep of South Florida

Meet turfgrass growing expert Jeffrey S. Burgoyne, the newest member of Geoponics Corporation.

Jeffrey Burgoyne is a Certified Golf Course Superintendent who accepted the position of technical sales representative with Geoponics on Jan. 24, 2012.

He will be a great asset in South Florida, providing answers to turf growers’ and golf course superintendents’ questions about the technical challenges they face.

“My previous superintendent experience will help me serve my customers better by being able to answer technical questions on the spot and not always refer them somewhere else for answers. I understand the everyday pressures that superintendents are under to provide optimal playing conditions and I am passionate about working with them to help solve the agronomic challenges they are facing,” said Jeffrey Burgoyne.

As superintendent at The Club at Twin Eagles in Naples, Fla., Jeffrey Burgoyne earned the 2008 Environmental Leader in Golf chapter award from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (gcsaa.org) and the Environmental Institute for Golf (eifg.org).

His understanding of the relationship between the environment and the golf course industry is a great asset to Geoponics as well to their future and current clients. Experience taught him that stewardship didn’t always have to come at the expense of a great playable course.

“I had been using several of the products from Geoponics for the past several years with tremendous results and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be a Geoponics representative when I was offered,” Jeffrey Burgoyne said.

“I have a passion for beautifully manicured turf that began at the age of fifteen when I began working in this field. I knew from that time this business would be my career.”

He has nearly 20 years of experience as a golf course superintendent in Florida, ranging from courses in North Florida, including Ocala Palms Golf Course and The Links of Spruce Creek, to South Florida, including Bonita Bay clubs as well as Heritage Bay Golf and Country Club in Naples.

He is a member of the Everglades Golf Course Superintendents Association, Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association, Florida Turf Grass Association and GCSAA.

When he’s not talking turf he’s covering lots of ground in triathlons and, when time allows, on his motorcycle. He completed his first full Ironman in November 2011.

He’s extremely hard working and lives by the motto of treating people as he would want to be treated.

Jeffrey S. Burgoyne, CGCS.

Geoponics Corporation

(239) 989-6867

3425 Radio Rd. 

Naples, FL 34104

(877) 667-6330




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30 Jan

Moving salt, water through California greens made possible with SoilSurfactant.com

"Soil Surfactant"

Golf Course Superintendent Bob Vaughey finds Geoponics products help move water and salt (sodium) through soil, turf at California golf courses.

Can you tell me about the properties where you’ve seen results with Geoponics?
I used Geoponics products, including Penterra, Agriox and HydraHawk for about three years at TPC Valencia and just began using them at Rolling Hills Country Club. We won’t begin the Agriox at Rolling Hills for a couple months when it warms up.
At TPC we had overseeded Bermuda grass. We used Penterra on the greens wall-to-wall in the winter. We used HydraHawk on the greens in the summer, from about April to September.
At Rolling Hills we have Kikuyu on the fairway, a mix in the rough and poa on the greens. It’s a 1960’s course with pushup greens.

What are some of the challenges on these California courses?
The soil is highly saline because we use reclaimed water. That also means soil compaction.
In California, there is poa everywhere, so trying to keep the poa out of the unique Bentgrass greens was a challenge.

When did you learn about Geoponics products?
About two or three years ago a friend in Northern California was using it and recommended I try it. At that time, there wasn’t a Geoponics sales representative in California, so I was talking to a sales representative in Florida. I must have talked to the rep for an hour and a half before I decided to try Penterra. They shared some really good information and had a interesting way of looking at soil and water and how they work together.

You said you tried Penterra first. What did you see?
I’d recently thrown a few thousand dollars down the drain on a different wetting agent. So I just bought a 2 ½ gallon jug as a trial, which is next to nothing in price.
I used every wetting agent on the market and that’s no exaggeration. Most of the time, you don’t notice any difference.
At TPC I did side-by-side trials. At Rolling Hills we have a soil monitor measuring everything and sending the data to my phone. I can see the temperature, salinity, percentage of soil moisture.
The members are commenting that the greens are much firmer than they were.
We only sprayed two applications of Penterra, so far.
If members are noticing it, that’s what counts.

So, at TPC I had my spray tech apply the Penterra without telling me where so I could test if I could detect if the product made any difference.
It honestly moved the water through the soil. We use reclaimed water, so we get sodium build up and moving the water through the soil helps prevent that.
I was using ——–(Brand Name Surfactant) at the time, which is still a good, good product. But side-by-side… I used the soil probe on the greens. After two applications of Penterra trial, I took the soil probe and could only get it 2 to 3 inches down into the soil it was so compacted in one area. I went to the other side and the probe went down to my knuckles, which is like a foot.
I asked my spray tech, “Did you spray the right side of green 3 and left side of 7?”
Sure enough. I’ve been using it ever since. It not only kept water moving through the soil, it also kept the salt from building up.

How about the HydraHawk?
Well the Penterra did exactly what it’s supposed to do. In the summer, the Penterra worked too well on the greens. So we sprayed and flushed the greens when it was 110 degrees outside and the next day we handwatered. The Penterra did it’s job. It was bone dry. So we started using HydraHawk to help hold water.

As a superintendent, what are your thoughts on the natural or organic aspects of Geoponics products?

Don’t get me wrong, it helps, but I want the product that will do the job. Penterra and HydraHawk definitely work well.
If I was told these products weren’t natural, I would still use them.
I won’t use anything worse than something with a caution label.
I will say though, it’s really nice when it comes to the safety of the guys working.
Also, the HydraHawk does have a nice smell to it, but other than that…
I’ve recommended Geoponics to a few buddies and all have liked it, said it worked and continued to use it.
I say, try on an area of your course. If it works, keep it. If it doesn’t work, no harm no foul.

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23 Jan

GEOPONICS PRODUCTS give Maryland golf courses competitive edge, says management


Jon Lobenstine of Potomac, MD, oversees nine golf courses in Montgomery County, including Falls Road Golf Course where he serves as the superintendent.

When did you first learn of Geoponics products and how?
Last Spring, I saw a post on the Geoponics Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/Geoponics) showing the results of the products increasing water movement on the greens at a golf course. I went to the Geoponics website and researched some more. The You Tube videos (www.Geoponics.TV) with the wetting test demonstrating Penterra really intrigued me. I spoke with a Geoponics representative and he was very knowledgable. I was very impressed.

What products did you try? Why do you use Geoponics?
Agriox, Penterra and HydraHawk. Growing grass or a nice lawn can be difficult. Growing grass on a golf course is even more difficult. The low height of an 1/8 inch isn’t natural. You’re constantly putting it under stress, add weather, disease, insects… You’re looking for anything to give a competitive advantage. These products are giving us that extra competitive edge. They make our job easier.

Can you tell me a little about the specific greens and soil conditions you’re working with and the challenges?
The biggest challenge we have are old push up greens on native soil, which is heavy clay, mixed with sandy soil in some areas. Water just didn’t move through the soil profile after heavy rains.

What results did you see with each of the Geoponics products you used?
Penterra (Penterra.net) is pushing the water through the soil. It worked better and more consistantly than anything I’ve ever tried. This season was the most noticeable by steadily keeping the surface firm.
A lot of wetting agents are tablets where you have to keep supplementing with hand watering. We didn’t have that. We didn’t have any localized dry spots, no hydrophobic areas for a full season. The greens were consistant and predictable like never before.
The Penterra worked so well at pushing the water through that we added HydraHawk (HydraHawk.com) on the sand-based greens to help hold more moisture in the top few inches.
Agriox (Agriox.com) is really great. One of the reasons we added it was that we had more rain than usual this spring. We had black layer in the pushup greens because the soil was very anaerobic. The increase in performance, the color, the vigor was almost instantaneous with Agriox. We decreased our use in fertilizer. We eliminated the black layer. There’s definitely something to it. Agriox is pretty neat because it has a long-term release. So we had the Penterra getting the water through the soil and the Agriox was as if we were spraying oxygen through the soil.


How about the cost and value of the products?
The cost is right where it needs to be. It’s an affordable choice for me. I’m not quite at that point where I can afford to use it on the fairways every two weeks, but the greens are the most important. That’s where it affects playability the most.

How about the service with an out-of-state Geoponics sales representative?
The service relationship is outstanding. I must have called the rep 15 times at least last year. He’s very quick to get to me and very knowledgeable.

Whether a consumer growing a garden or lawn, or a professional managing the growth of plants or turf, you may learn more about how Geoponics products create sustainable ecologies that harness the natural reactions that make life on this planet possible by visiting www.GeoponicsCorp.com and keeping up on the news at www.Facebook.com/Geoponics.

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