Geoponics Earth Chemistries:Mr. Beetham, as a brand new client of Geoponics what have you experienced up to this point with the products you are using?
Because we were looking to address water movement and reduce some of the sodium issues in our soil as well as address some anaerobic conditions, I began by spraying the Penterra, Agriox and Detox July 18th. That night I saturated the greens via irrigation (about 60 mins) to flush sodium/bicarbonates. The next afternoon, I went out with my soil probe and noticed the upper soil horizon was dry. For sure, I received the best flush using the Penterra that I have noticed in my tenure as a superintendent and as an assistant superintendent. I was happy with some of the previous products; however I was reluctant to flush the greens with that amount of water due to over saturation, which would have normally taken a two day period to return to normal moisture levels. Using the Penterra we received the water penetration that we have been searching for.
As for theAgriox, with one application at the initial 20lb/acre rate we have noticed it has tightened up our Tifdwarf turf canopy better than I have ever seen on tifdwarf greens!
Lastly, I sprayed the Megamax July 21st by itself, prior to my normal scheduled foliar program which was originally scheduled for July 18th. The results I’m seeing from a single application of Megamax alone have allowed me to hold off on our normal foliar spray program. I’m am scheduled to spray Friday the 29th with my usual foliar program, but after seeing the results from these Geoponics products used thus far, I’m not sure when I’m going to need to make my next foliar application! It could be a week could be two weeks.
The 18-hole Redbank Plantation Golf Course in Charleston, SC is a military golf course that opened in 1953. Designed by Military Personnel, Redbank Plantation Golf Course measures 5741 yards from the longest tees.
Tenured Certified Golf Course Superintendent, BoB Volpe talks about he has found “Night and Day” differences in sodium in his golf course and long time members have noticed huge changes for the better after a few applications. Visit
Golf Course Superintendent Matt DiMase dicusses how he and his crew brought his golf course through weeks with very little water and how he recovered his turf in minimal time.
Golf Course Superintendent Brian Beckner of La Playa Golf and Beach Resort discusses how he and his team obtain even distribution of water on greens, tees and fairways with great success.
Geoponics was developed for turf managers, landscape professionals, lawn care and agriculture as a domain for quick reference to leading brands of Professional Grade Soil Surfactants, Penetrants and Wetting Agents to manage localized dry spots, drought relief, aggregate clay soils, drain waterlogged soils, aeration, manage soil moisture, reduce black layer, increase foliar absorption and assist with reducing fertilizer run off, pesticides and fungicides.
Effective moisture management has always been a critical part of any turfgrass maintenance professional’s success. Whether you want to hold water in dry times or need to move it when it’s wet, the desired result is always the same: even distribution of moisture throughout the root zone. Achieving this balanced state is an ongoing challenge, but without the proper tools it is a practical impossibility. Geoponics believes that the price of the surfactants used in this pursuit should not preclude anyone from being able to use them, which is why our cost per acre is so far below the industry average. Our customers’ savings are often used for treating more area than ever before, making our products like Penterra, HydraHawk, Humawet and Profasorb found at value-adding tools no chemical room should be without.
Penterra is a high grade soil penetrant designed to move irrigation and rain water off the surface and deep into the ground. As with any wetting agent, Penterra decreases the surface tension between water, soil and plant to overcome hydrophobic soil conditions. Where this proprietary formula sets itself apart from the other surfactants on the market today is in its extraordinarily high activity (Anionic vs. Non-Ionic). By surrounding soil particles with a strong negative charge, Penterra literally pulls water down and through the profile with unrivaled speed and effectiveness. This allows the turfgrass manager to prevent an excess of accumulation from heavy or long lasting rain events, as well as to quickly and easily wet areas like slopes and mounds which often develop LDS and require a disproportionately large amount of water.
Penterra’s beneficial effects are noticed rapidly, in many cases after a single application. It helps reduce crusting, loosens up hard clay soils, aggregates sandy soil, and allows water and oxygen to better reach plant roots. Regular treatments improve the activity of microbes necessary for a healthy soil environment for the improvement of the turf, making it healthier and increasing its disease and insect tolerance.
Reported Uses of Penterra
• Affordably treat entire course • Dew reduction for earlier starts • Treat slow draining bunkers • Enhances speed of glyphosate • Protect against frost damage • Prepare greens for heavy rain • Dry out problem wet areas • Open sealed-off soils
All Natural is key when one considers how products influence the environment and using HydraHawk as a tool for moisture management in soils is taking the industry by storm. HydraHawk is made from all natural materials being derived from fruits, vegetables and essential oils. Secondary to its formulation, HydraHawk is mositly used for penetration into areas are challenged by hydrophobic variables, yet subtle enough to add some holding capacity with the root zone. It is widely considered “nature’s powerhouse moisture management product” amongst the Geoponics surfactant line being that it keeps water penetrating into the soil while holding viable water in the root zone for sustainability. When challenged with moisture issues and the environment is top of your priority list of things to consider and moisture management performance is key, HydraHawk is the product for the job.
Reported Uses HydraHawk
• Economical for use in Tees, Greens, Fairways and Roughs • All Natural • Treat slow draining bunkers • Enhances speed of glyphosate and foliar fertilizer applications • Prepare greens for heavy rain • Dry out problem wet areas • Open sealed-off soils • Pleasant smell natural smell • Holds enough water in the root zone without disrupting aerobic balance • Provides a natural food source for soil microorganisms
Humawet (
Humawet is a unique soil surfactant with incorporated high-grade humates designed to enhance water holding capacity. By prolonging the retention of moisture within the root zone, this formulation allows turfgrass managers to reduce irrigation volume and hand watering when faced with hot, dry or excessively windy situations. Its beneficial effects when used to combat LDS are noticed rapidly, and when used as a preventative measure it can keep such unsightly issues from developing in the first place. Especially helpful when used on sandy soils or those low in organic content, Humawet is both easy to use and economical.
Reported Uses of Humawet
• Affordably treat entire course • Holds moisture in the root zone • Assist with drought conditions • Will not burn • Contains high grade humate • Open sealed-off soils
Profasorb is a unique soil surfactant designed specifically to enhance water holding capacity when used through irrigation systems. By prolonging the retention of moisture within the root zone, this formulation allows turfgrass managers to reduce irrigation volume and hand watering when faced with hot, dry or excessively windy situations. Its beneficial effects when used to combat LDS are noticed rapidly, and when used as a preventative measure it can keep such unsightly issues from developing in the first place. Especially helpful when used on sandy soils or those low in organic content, Profasorb is both easy to use and economical.
Reported Uses of ProfaSorb
• Affordably treat entire course • Holds moisture in the root zone • Assist with drought conditions • Will not burn • Economical for use through Fertigation • Open sealed-off soils
For Superintendent Jeremy Wilson, Geoponics Line of Premium Products Provides the Results Needed to Improve His Course at A Price It Can Afford
This course was getting ready to close before I took over, so it hadn’t really been maintained for some time. The greens had not been aerated in over three years, and the thatch build up was pretty bad, so my main issue was just getting water to move in. My Geoponics sales person suggested I try Penterra at the regular two quart rate, and within a couple of weeks we stopped having run off when watering. Once the weather turned hot, we switched over to Humawet, which has been working well for us. We used to be out by 12:00 or 1:00 every afternoon to water again, but we aren’t drying out as quick, so now we don’t have to except on the hottest days.
Once we added Agriox into our program, the over all look of the greens soon became much cleaner. It has really gotten them looking much better in the short time I’ve been here. I’ve always purchased according to what the grass is telling me it needs, and when it’s growing fine I don’t bother putting anything out. Before we were fertilizing every three weeks. Now we’re out to five weeks, which is a 40% savings, and I feel a lot better about both our growth and color. I’m really impressed with the products.
Jeremy Wilson, Superintendent
Cypress Bay Golf Club
Little River, SC
Turf Stress Reduction and an Overall Appearance Boost of Agriox Applications Are Worth the Price and More to Willow Point Golf Club
We started using Agriox this past July (2008) and have made monthly applications since then. We were just hoping that it would help us survive the heat and stress of our busy season, and we really weren’t expecting the type of benefits we’ve seen. We put it out the first time right before our big Invitational event, which is usually when we start to go south some from the increased traffic, and we quickly saw amazing results. The entire playing surface improved in color and appearance, and the walk-on areas we were close to losing before starting treatments ended up making it all the way through the summer. The greens responded much better from our big Fall aeration, and it was very noticeable where we had sprayed twice, to the point where you could have put chalk marks around them. We definitely believe in the product, and honestly the price could go up by 50% and it would still be worth it.
Brad Lacey,
Asst. Superintendent
Willow Point Golf Club
Alexander City, AL