Welcome to Geoponics Corp

22 Apr

What are your plans for Earth Day?

Geoponics isn’t just our company. It is an Earth-based science. It’s about growing in the soil. So for us, every day really is Earth Day. Still, we have plans to make it special and have ideas to share with you.

Even if everyday we acknowledge we are connected to the Earth, as Geoponics, we can definitely honor the Earth in a special way, giving extra on and around Earth Day. Whether it’s the lawn, a garden, trees or plant husbandry in any sense, including golf course and sports field maintenance, we work with the Earth. We also benefit from that work. So, it’s natural to want to give back as we do so.

Hopefully, we are very aware of what we are giving to the Earth as we cultivate plants. And, if we aren’t as aware as we could be, then, on April 22, 2022, Earth Day, it is a great day for such a practice. What can we give?

Earth Day Ideas:

  • Check for local community events with your city or county.
  • Is there a community garden near you? Can you get involved?
  • Can you plant something? Perhaps plant a seed, a flower or other plant in your own garden, or a pot, or for someone else.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Share seeds.
  • Conserve water. (See practices and products below.)
  • Propagate a plant. There are endless examples, but I’ll never forget the ones that were given to me and I have fondness for the ones I’ve given. Sometimes, they are one in the same. Succulents and cacti can give again and again. So too, can sugar cane, which is easily propagated. Some people know how to do grafting. If you don’t know pick one thing to try and share it. (See the blog “Mother of Thousands“)
  • Go for a walk in nature. You can go alone, with your dog or with friends. Think of it as a chance to be close to the Earth. Consider your relationship with the Earth, the plants, the water, the sky, the wind. Notice what animals or species you see and hear. Observe. Make an offering or commitment.
  • Gift a plant to someone.
  • Think of a species that is low on habitat and learn how you can help. One idea may be bees, for example, and you could plant their favorite flowers. However, the options are truly endless with so much extinction and loss in biodiversity. But for every challenge, there is a solution! Let’s be part of that.
  • Pick up trash from the ground, from the beach, in or near your neighborhood. When you do good, you feel good.

Earth Day Offerings from Geoponics

Managing Aesthetics in a New Way: Endurant Landscape Colorants

Many of Geoponics products offer alternatives to common practices for lawn care, golf course maintenance, sports field operations, farms and gardens. Every choice we make in how to maintain one of these has an effect on the Earth. Some use colorants for TV-ready turf, avoiding over-fertilizing, over-watering and the use of other harsh chemicals. Some people can use Endurant “liquid overseed” instead of or in combination with traditional overseed to limit the water usage drastically, as well as minimize numerous other chemicals needed. It’s difficult to calculate but Endurant turf colorants have likely prevented the usage of millions of gallons of water that would otherwise have been used along with copious amounts of fertilizer, which runoff and damage waterways.

Organic Growing with Geoponics OMRI Listed SoilPlex and FertaFlow

Perhaps Geoponics greatest gifts for the soil and water though are our OMRI listed products for organic growing. These products are amazing for truly sustainable growing. Sustainable meaning they don’t cause harm, death or overuse of resources. These are SoilPlex and FertaFlow, and each has their own web page for more details.

SoilPlex: Humic & Fulvic Acids for Optimal Nutrient Uptake

We could fill a book with how amazing SoilPlex is. It’s not as flashy as a colorant that turns brown grass to green grass instantly. And yet, it’s perhaps even more amazing. Here are just 7 benefits, which will likely lead you to understand how hard it is to quantify them as the benefits are nearly endless.

The humic and fulvic acids in SoilPlex do much like they would for human health. You can take all the vitamins in the world, but if you cannot absorb them, then they are of little to no use. Also, if you over-consume them, they could cause harm. Just like a supplement of fulvic and humic acids for human health, SoilPlex helps plants uptake nutrients from soil. Meanwhile, the humic acids in SoilPlex also block toxins from being absorbed. SoilPlex is a natural chelator.

SoilPlex is a phenomenal source of carbon in soil. This is the building block for healthy soil. SoilPlex is like having liquid, instant compost, enriching soil. SoilPlex remediates soil and improves soil structure long term.

If you do fertilize plants, don’t let that fertility go to waste. SoilPlex will increase the uptake of those nutrients as needed for plant health. This is true for turfgrass, trees, a garden, a farm, a golf course, you name it. Just even an ounce of SoilPlex in a gardening can for potted plants will nourish the soil and plants. This improved soil structure also improves water holding capacity. This means better use of water, which is essential for not only your plants’ health but for the Earth. (Buy SoilPlex)

FertaFlow Organic Fish Fertilizer

Another of Geoponics great products any day, and especially for Earth Day, is FertaFlow. This organic fish fertilizer is far superior in its nutritional offerings than an emulsion. FertaFlow is unique because it is cold-pressed and the whole fish. This means you get all the nutrients. An emulsion on the other hand is all the left overs after everything else that could be sold is taken from the fish, such as fish oils and proteins. FertaFlow retains it all. The cold-pressed processing further retains nutrition often lost by high heat methods and other processing methods. (Buy FertaFlow.)

Geoponics Soil Surfactants for Water Management & Conservation

Wetting agents and soil surfactants are important to consider for the benefit of the planet when farming, taking care of lawns, golf courses and other areas. How we manage our landscapes has a dramatic effect on the planet. People aren’t likely to just allow everything to grow wild. So, when manicuring our spaces, we can think of best practices for water. The more we help the soil retain water, properly drain water, maintain oxygen levels, support microorganisms and so forth, the better stewards we are agronomically and environmentally. (Shop SoilSurfactants.)

Duration: The Most Economical Wetting Agent/ Soil Surfactant to Manage Water in Soil for Plant Health

Duration is one of our most popular wetting agents. It will break surface tension and help plants uptake water. Duration will help water flow evenly throughout the soil. Further, Duration can assist in proper oxygen levels in soil. All of this is essential to healthy roots and plants. By properly maintaining the water holding capacity and flow in soil, we can optimize the use of water.

Because Duration is very economical, it is great for lawns as well as for large areas such as golf courses and sports fields.

Other Soil Surfactants by Geoponics

Duration is just one example. Geoponics offers five soil surfactants. If you want more humates, get Humawet. For water retention using a soil surfactant made of plants for plants, get HydraHawk. If you need to move water fast, you want Penterra, a soil penetrant. Penterra is ideal if you’re a professional user (because application instructions, though simple, are critical to success with this one). Also for professionals is Profasorb. Learn more about these five on SoilSurfactant.com.


Earth Day with Geoponics:

What Are WE Doing on Earth Day?

Earth Day with Geoponics is a day of work, fun, honor and community. In addition to making and providing the products above, we plan to spend time at an Earth Day event that will include a community garden tour, live music, local artists and more — all in honor of our Great Mother Earth. We’ll do this after work, where we share products to help grow from the Earth.

Over the weekend, we’ll continue in our garden, go on a nature walk as we did earlier this week and see what else the world has in store for us with more community events planned all around us.

We have already been sharing those propagated plants from Mother of Thousands with friends and family. We’ll definitely be sharing more.

Find us on social media and share what you’re doing for Earth Day!