Brown grass is a turn-off. Get noticed instantly with turf colorant. Whether that brown grass is due to drought or lack of water during foreclosure or water restrictions, overcome the challenge instantly with turf paint. Endurant turf colorant is a solution being used during both the housing and drought crisis in California and across the U.S.
Endurant’s turf pigment is natural– safe for pets, children, wildlife and players on golf courses and athletic fields. It can be applied to grass, whether dormant grass or actively-growing grass, mulch, pine straw, sand and even ponds. For actively growing grass, we recommend Endurant TE. The turf enhancer of Endurant TE adds even more nutrients for healthy soil and turf when in the active growing phase.

Geoponics products have recently become available through Foster-Gardner so you can have exceptional local service from this well-respected sister company of West Coast Turf/ Western Sod.
Geoponics products are also available in Europe and the UK through Prograss. Whereever in the world you are, Geoponics has earth-friendly solutions to your turf management challenges, including the world’s fastest-acting soil penetrant, Penterra, and other soil surfactants, as well as products to add oxygen and nutrients to your soil or pond. Contact your nearest distributor, or Geoponics directly, at, 1-877-ECO-GROW. Also, contact us if you’re interested in becoming a distributor of Geoponics earth-friendly turf, agricultural, lawn, sports field, garden and pond care products.

As for that astounding before and after picture above, that home lawn turned brown in-deed due to drought. But, the water was turned off because of foreclosure as well.
“There is a lot of this going on due to the housing issues in California. The cities are citing owners and banks in the foreclosure community for letting their landscapes go. Endurant is their only cost effective and quick option,” said Jimi Davis, of Foster-Gardner, in Southern California.
Davis offered another tip: “Transition from ryegrass to Bermuda and you will see a lot of drought and transition problems– brown areas! Endurant is a great tool to correct these visual problems for homeowners, HOA’s and golf courses.”
Want to learn more about turf colorant– whether for the golf course, sports fields, home lawns– mulch, grass, pine straw, sand or ponds– contact our expert, Geoponics Turf Colorant Division Manager Jennifer Seevers,, 1877-ECO-GROW.