We’ve created a customizable program for Sports Field Managers, another for Golf Course Superintendents and yet another for Lawn Care Providers. Each of the three protocols is customizable and yet provides the framework for maintaining green turfgrass throughout the seasons, depending upon your needs.
Geoponics, the Makers of Endurant, Provide 3 Programs for Year Round Green Grass

Endurant turf colorants, made with organic pigments and nontoxic binders, provide a solution to an array of growing challenges in turfgrass management.
Endurant turf colorants include paints, pigments and a hybrid, paint and pigment combo, called Endurant Flex. The Endurant line of landscape colorants include various shades of green for warm and cool season grasses. There are five varieties of Endurant, or shades, and the three colorants types. First, pigments are for actively growing grass. Secondly, paints are made for dormant grass, but can be applied anytime. Third, the hybrid, Flex, is ideal for the transition times.
Lawn Care Providers: Endurant Provides Year Round Green Grass for Home Lawns
Take a look at the program that Geoponics created for professional lawn care providers. This protocol includes using the Endurant pigment, which is Endurant TE (Turf Enhancer) and Endurant Flex (the hybrid pigment and paint combo) during the growing seasons. Endurant Perennial Rye (PR) is suggested for use on warm season grasses. Endurant Premium is suggested for use on cool season grasses. Rates can be adjusted to fit your specific needs, as can product choices.
The image below and link to the downloadable PDF (Endurant Provides Year Round Green for Lawns) are here as guides. You may shop online at ShopGeoponics, order through our distributors, who offer unbeatable rates, or contact your sales rep. 1-877-ECO-GROW.

Geoponics, the makers of Endurant, created these programs to provide green grass throughout the year on golf courses, and sports fields as well. To help everyone from home lawn care providers, to sports field operators and golf course superintendents, these protocols include application rates and the most fitting colorant for the type of grass and season. Each are customizable to fit your particular needs.
In some protocols, you will note the recommendation to use Spray n Stay. This nontoxic binder is great for ensuring less uniform transfer, or grass stain, on professional and collegiate uniforms, for example. Spray n Stay is also helpful in other instances where high intensity or high friction sports, like football, may require extra binder in the colorant mix. Learn more here.
Golf Course Superintendents: It’s Easy Being Green & It’s OK to Be Easy
Among the earliest users of Endurant turf colorants, golf course superintendents were the first in many cases to have to look for alternatives to managing turf grass year long. Overseed was often no longer in the budget and yet golfers still expected a green golf course and contrast for playability. Thus, golf course superintendents found alternatives to success. Despite water shortages, fertilizer costs, seed expenses and other variables, superintendents persevered. Endurant turf colorants provided reliable solutions for green grass while maintaining agronomic turf needs and balancing budgets.
Endurant turf colorants continue to provide solutions. Geoponics, the makers of the most natural looking colorant on the market, Endurant, created a protocol for you. It is highly customizable to your budget, needs and members. Golf courses can achieve and maintain green grass throughout more of the year while cutting expenses. Due to increasing pressures, colorants may be the only remaining solution to meet the expectations of green in golf in some geographical regions in this and coming years.
View the image below and the link to the downloadable PDF (Golf Courses Remain Green All Year with Endurant). These can serve as guides to get you through the year with rates and colorant recommendations.

Athletic Field Managers: Get TV Ready & Tournament Ready Turf
Endurant is the turf colorant trusted most by the pros. If you’re watching the NFL, the PGA tour, NASCAR, or another major professional game, odds are, you are looking at grass treated with Endurant.
From high school games to the Super Bowl, Endurant provides a green that holds up well under the scrutiny of high definition television (HDTV).
Furthermore, perhaps in no other application than in athletic fields is the addition of Endurant Spray n Stay highly recommended. It’s fantastic for keeping uniforms clean of most colorant transfer. Spray n Stay will not completely eliminate the natural occurrence of some grass staining.
View the image below and downloadable PDF (Sports Field Protocol for Year Round Green Turf Grass). The guides will lead to a gorgeous field in any season.

If you have questions, contact your sales rep or 1-877-ECO-GROW.