Geoponics Blog
ViroFense, a new hand sanitizer and surface cleaner in one, is filling dire needs amidst shortages due to the coronavirus pandemic. As hand sanitizer became a scarcity, Geoponics recognized a need. The Naples-based company introduced ViroFense, a unique hand sanitizer and surface cleaner in one. Geoponics has been serving the golf course industry, as well as lawn and landscape, farm and agricultural businesses around the world, since 2006.
Turf Tips with Golf Course Superintendent Bob Volpe
Choosing the best soil surfactant, wetting agent or soil penetrant for various conditions

Golf Course Superintendent Bob Volpe shares 40 years of expertise with several tips, including choosing the best soil surfactant for specific conditions.
“When I was 14 years old, I started working on a golf course in Ohio in the summers clearing fairways… Forty years later, I’m still picking up rocks,” says Volpe. “And that’s a true story.”
Humbly, Volpe has picked up more than rocks in those 40 years. Now the superintendent at Palmira Golf and Country Club in Bonita Springs, Florida, he’s gathered decades of experience balancing factors he can control with the factors that he cannot control.
While he does not control the weather, for example, he shares that his understanding of weather patterns and conditions helps him manage water, a key factor in turfgrass and soil health.
“It hasn’t rained. The use of wetting agents is really important right now. And I’ve probably tried all of them, “ says Volpe, on a warm spring day in Southwest Florida.
During the dry and windy weather conditions in Southwest Florida this winter and spring, Volpe benefits from the use of Humawet and Profasorb.
“Humawet has a longer residual than the other brands. So I don’t have to have guys pulling hoses as often,” says Volpe.
Which brings up a common question for golf course superintendents: How do you choose which soil surfactant, penetrant or wetting agent to use?
Choosing a wetting agent, soil surfactant or soil penetrant
1. Results: Immediate and Lasting
“The reason I stay in this business is because it’s a science. The grass is either going to live or it’s going to die,” says Volpe. “If I put out a product, I want to see a result, or I won’t go back to that,” he adds.
Geoponics’ product Humawet is providing nearly immediate results. Volpe also reports that the benefits to the turf are lasting longer than with other products he’s used.
“Other products worked, but I’m getting more longevity, more residual out of this Humawet,” says Volpe.
2. Solutions: Addressing key problems
The best soil surfactant or wetting agent for the season
While Volpe cannot control the weather, his foresight and appropriate selection of the best soil surfactant, wetting agent or soil penetrant helps with water management to keep his grass thriving.
Cooler, dryer months
“This winter was very difficult for growing grass . The wind blew for eight weeks. Evaporation was at an all time high. Temperatures went from high to low, hot to cold,” says Volpe.
That’s the time of year when you want a soil surfactant that holds water, which is why Volpe chooses Humawet and Profasorb. SoilPlex not only retains water, but also provides a natural food source for micro organisms. (More on choosing the best soil surfactant for moving or retaining water here.)
“In February, hot spots were showing up. We applied the wetting agent (Humawet) and watered it in lightly. It’s difficult when players are out here playing. We want to get that product where the problem is instead of sitting on top,” says Volpe.
Spring weather conditions continued to add similar challenges.
“March was a fantastic month for humans but put stress on the grass.”
Humawet provided a solution to help get water deep into the soil with the combination of humates for added long term effects, maximizing the moisture that was present in the soil, mitigating the losses caused by winds and evaporation.
“Humawet worked. I got more longevity, more residual out of Geoponics’ products,” says Volpe.
Another soil surfactant, Profasorb, is also used to lower surface tension and for retaining water.
“I’m using Profasorb in the irrigation tank daily. I’m using it at a very low rate, but there are not as many hot spots as we used to have. I know I’m barely touching the surface of what it can do but I’m getting just what I can afford and it works,” Volpe reports.
The transition from spring to summer brings new challenges and conditions as South Florida heads into its hot and rainy season.
Summer heat, humidity and high rains
“I’ve tried to master weather patterns. I’m looking out two to three weeks from today,” says Volpe.
Heat increased through April, with low precipitation continuing despite some increasing humidity and decreasing winds.
As Southwest Florida, and South Florida in general, enter the rainy season later in May, Penterra is a popular choice for moving water in times of such excess moisture that are expected to then continue throughout summer. Penterra moves water quickly through the soil profile as it is the fastest-acting soil penetrant on the market. It is highly economical. Another option for moving water is HydraHawk, which is derived from natural fruit and vegetable extracts. HydraHawks aids in water and nutrient uptake during extreme weather, such as heat, drought and soil salinity.
Solving poor soil health on old greens using the most appropriate soil surfactant
Because Palmira’s greens are old, about 20 years old, they contribute to a set of challenges in the conditions of the soil.
“They need to be rebuilt. That’s a variable. The age of those greens,” says Volpe.
The soil profile creates a challenging environment for optimal growth of the turfgrass.
“It’s dry in the middle of the fairway. Three and a half inches down, it’s like hitting concrete,” he says.
Then he’s got a half of an inch of thatch and sugar sand to contend with.
“I’ve got to open that soil up and get down five to six inches where I can get some water in there,” Volpe says.
That’s where Humawet comes into play.
“I spray that out really where it’s at, right were it needs to be,” he says.
3. Science and Service
Selecting the best product to use is as much about how it’s used as it is about formulation, Volpe says.
Geoponics’ customer service and knowledge of how to use the products for the best results is as helpful for the longtime pros as it is for the newer superintendents.
“You have to use the right product the right way at the right time,” says Volpe.
Learn more about the wetting agents, soil surfactants and soil penetrants provided by Geoponics, including Penterra, HydraHawk, Humawet and Profasorb: Click here.
Tom Crespin of Harmony Outdoor Brands shares his experience painting sod with Geoponics’ Endurant turf colorants
Just as people often pick out the reddest apple, people prefer the greenest grass. Painting sod using Endurant is keeping grass green as ever, offering benefits to growers, stores and property owners.
Endurant turf colorants and Harmony Outdoor Brands are providing the greenest sod grass for lawns across the U.S.
People are tending to their lawns, gardens and homes more than ever, said Tom Crespin of Harmony Outdoor Brands, which is the #1 supplier of retail sod grasses in North America.
Crespin has been in the sod industry for 10 years and agriculture for 40 years. Painting sod hasn’t always been popular or effective due to faulty brands, he said. Finding Endurant several years ago was key to making the practice of painting sod an all-around win economically, agronomically and environmentally.
Crespin works with sod farmers across the U.S. to grow the best possible sod for large box stores, like Home Depot and Lowe’s, among others.
“If the sod is even slightly yellowed, they won’t buy it,” said Crespin.
Even healthy sod, albeit off-colored, may go unused, letting acres of sod go to waste.
Painting Sod with Endurant: The Grass Is Greener Than the Other Side
By adding the non-toxic Endurant turf colorant to the turf, Harmony Outdoor Brands, their independent farmers, construction workers and stores are all benefiting by preventing waste, increasing profits and providing customers with the product they most desire.
Harmony and its supply farmers have been using Endurant for several years now, and the decision to do so came with a lot of consideration.
“It’s hard to get farmers to try something new. Farmers know better – and in a lot of cases they do,” said Crespin.
“For farmers who have used paint in the past, they were a little skeptical to try Endurant at first,” said Crespin.
What they came to see was that Endurant wasn’t like the other colorant brands.
“Past paints we used, I wasn’t too keen on them. As the plant dried, the paint separated. But this product remains true,” said Crespin.
The color is natural and it lasts, he added.
That’s critical to increasing sales for Harmony, for stores and for farmers.
“Because if it gets chlorotic, or even slightly yellow looking, people have a tendency not to buy it. They will always pick up the greener grass,” said Crespin.
Endurant, he noticed, helped to increase naturally occurring chlorophyll by warming the grass as it grew from dormancy and thus leading to earlier spring time greening in addition to the colorant.
“It also provides a summer time green more of the year,” said Crespin.
By using Endurant for painting sod, the turfgrass sales season is able to start earlier in March and is extended by about two months, he added.
“Stores love the additional sales. If people are buying sod, they’re buying lots of other products — sprinklers, fertilizer, hoses,” Crespin said.
Endurant turf colorant provided a significant boost to the economics, agronomics and environmentally friendly aspects of growing and selling sod.
Many of Harmony Brand farmers are using Endurant turf colorants now on their St Augustine, Bermuda and Zoysia grasses.
“It’s more than paid for itself,” said Crespin. “They spend a penny, but they’re getting much more than that back,” he added.
“This is one of those innovations that helps not just with visual appeal, it helps the farmers,” said Crespin.
“They are looking for any little edge they can get. They can harvest a second time as they get the sod out a little sooner.”
The icing on the proverbial cake is exceptional customer service with Geoponics, the makers of Endurant turf colorant, said Crespin.
“For anyone thinking of using this, get ready for service. Geoponics will give you all the tips you need and will help with any questions you might have about using Endurant. The paint looks great on the sod. It’s been a huge advantage,” he said.
New from Geoponics, Endurant turf pigment cleaner helps turfgrass managers so they can keep grass green and their equipment clean.
New: Endurant Equipment Cleaner
Endurant turf colorants are a mainstay in the toolbox of golf course superintendents, sod farmers, athletic field managers and others in the landscaping and agricultural businesses. So, it’s natural to get the best cleaner for the equipment after applying colorant.
This brand you can trust from Geoponics recently introduced their newest product in the Endurant line: Endurant Turf Pigment Cleaner. It’s quickly gaining popularity among golf course superintendents because it is so effective at cleaning machines while being completely non-toxic and affordable.
Order the new Endurant Turf Pigment Cleaner online today!
After ensuring that grass is green for optimal play and TV-readiness using Endurant turf colorants, all the while minimizing the overuse of harsh chemicals and avoiding the practices of over-watering, the only thing to do next is to ensure the equipment remains clean.
After all, grass should be green– not the machines!
Endurant turf colorants and enhancers do not damage or affect the operation of the machines, but keeping the machines looking as good as new is easier than ever with the new Endurant turf colorant cleaner.
This equipment cleaner is so easy to use and non-toxic!
The cleaner is simple, fast and effective. It works like magic to wipe the green colorant away.
Geoponics recently introduced this new product that cleans not just colorant but also removes other stains from equipment.
Endurant Equipment Cleaner is all-natural, bio-based and has a neutral pH.
It is also safe for employees, safe for the environment and can be used in hand cleaning applications.
Remove stains from mowers, tanks, spreaders and other equipment or areas where paints and pigments have lefts stains or discoloration.
Endurant Turf Pigment Cleaner makes it easy to wipe off turf paint, pigments and many other product residues, including yellow herbicide iron stains.
This is the ultimate cleaner for removing grease, grass, grime and other residues common to golf course maintenance, landscaping, sod farming, athletic field management and other agricultural uses.
Endurant Turf Pigment Cleaner is a new favorite for this turf colorant season because it’s super affordable, non-toxic and easy to use. Visit ShopGeoponics to order today!
Key features of Endurant Equipment Cleaner:
- Non toxic
- Rust inhibitor
- Biodegradable
- Emits zero VOCs
- Miscible with water
- Safe for the environment
- Safe for employees
- Bio-based ingredients