Welcome to Geoponics Corp

02 Jul

Keeping the Landscaped Areas Around Her Golf  Course Looking Their Best Requires Less Time and Effort Now That Debbie Fitzgerald Utilizes Carbotein

My responsibilities at the course cover all of the non-playing natural areas, planters and flower beds. Across such a wide area there are a lot of different growing conditions, many outside of our ability to control, and of course the range of plant life is quite broad. I have applied Carbotein on everything from ornamental turfgrass to flowers, on bushes and shrubs, and even to trees, and in each case I have seen a noticeable positive impact. Plugs that were having difficulty getting established and were looking like weeds took off, even in shaded areas or in bad soils.  Annuals that typically would have begun fading are still looking great, and freshly transplanted areas are not showing the signs of stress you would ordinarily expect. The foliage has become so dense in certain places, we’ve had to remove entire sections to clear existing pathways, which allows us to develop new cultivated areas elsewhere. The results we’ve seen have been absolutely amazing!

There’s always more work to be done than hours in the day, so finding products that save time is really welcome. By switching from a granular application to a foliar product, we have reduced water use and are able to cover more ground more quickly. We need less space for storage, and what used to be backbreaking work is now simple and easy. As a horticulturist I place a high value on responsible management practices, and the fact that using Carbotein reduces the amount of nutrients lost to run off and leeching is very important to me. That it is less expensive is, of course, a huge plus as well. I am really thankful to have discovered this product.

Debbie Fitzgerald
Raleigh Country Club
Raleigh, NC