Duration is an important tool for gardeners, landscapers and turf managers. This wetting agent and soil surfactant decreases surface tension between water, soil and plant. Breaking the surface tension with Duration helps to get water and oxygen in the root zone while maximizing nutrient uptake by the plant.
Duration also improves the growth and activity of aerobic micro-organisms, which are necessary for a healthy soil profile and growing environment.
Duration’s secondary benefits include reducing LDS (localized dry spot). The benefits are noticed quickly because Duration is a fast-acting surfactant. The improvements are not just quick. They are also long lasting. Duration improves the soil longterm to make healthier turf and plants, increasing disease resistance and insect tolerance.
Duration will decrease hydrophobic soils and increase water retention in the root zone of the soil profile.
Duration can also aid in absorption of other solutions and nutrients when applied with foliar fertilizers, systemic herbicides and other products. Make sure to jar test Duration with other products to be sure of compatibility.
- Environmentally friendly
- Increases water retention in soil
- Decreases surface tension to increase water, oxygen and nutrient absorption
- Loosens hard soils and clay
- Activates soil organisms for optimal soil and plant health
- Fast-acting
- Long lasting benefits
- Improves root growth
- Improves water and oxygen levels in soil
- Helps conserve water usage
- Reduces plant stress
- Improves drainage
- Prevents erosion
- Improves soil porosity
- Economical
How to Use Duration
Apply 32 to 64 ounces of Duration in 50 to 80 gallons of water per acre. Application may be repeated every two to four weeks for highly hydrophobic soils to increase water retention. In low organic soils, such as sandy soils, it may be beneficial to make application at 64 ounces per acre several days apart to obtain optimal water management.
It may be best to apply Duration by itself. It is never advised to apply Duration with a product that has a high salt index or that is phytotoxic to plants. Ideally, apply Duration in early morning with dew present and water in immediately with 3 to 4 turns of an irrigation head. Optimal application of Duration is the morning before a regular to heavy irrigation cycle.
When Duration is mixed with other products, such as for foliar absorption, Duration can assist with increasing the absorption of other solutions in to the plant tissue, such as with foliar fertilizers or systemic herbicides. For this usage, to increase absorption through the leaf tissue, add 16 ounces of Duration per acre with the other product in the solution. Be sure to jar test Duration with other products to ensure compatibility.
Duration may also be used for a root drench. This can be highly beneficial to plants mixing 16 ounces of Duration per 100 gallons of water and drench the soils. Apply under trees or shrubs saturating the enter area under the drip line of the tree or shrub with the Duration solution mix. Again, is adding another
product, be sure to jar test them together first.